Options to restrict output to filesystems of type iso9660 or subfs ,从而将输出限制为只输出iso9660或subfs类型的文件系统的信息。
That uses a parameter marker within an sql xml statement to restrict output to information about customers who live in a given zip code ,这个例子在一条sql / xml语句中使用一个参数标记位将输出限制为居住在给定地区的客户的信息。
Agreements to restrict output . an agreement to restrict production or output is illegal because reducing the supply of a product or service inevitably drives up its price 产量限制协定。一项关于限制产量的协定是非法的。因为它削减了产品和服务的供应量,这就不可避免地引发了价格上涨。
Agreements to restrict output . an agreement to restrict production or output is illegal because reducing the supply of a product or service inevitably drives up its price 产量限制协定。一项关于限制产量的协定是非法的。因为它削减了产品和服务的供应量,这就不能够认可避免地引导至爆发了报价价格上涨。